Mariel 小碎花連身短裙*

促銷價HK$249 原價HK$419

Spring Sale: 所有訂單即享額外 7 折優惠、使用優惠碼 SPRING30

Color: Baby Blue
Size: S

• 清新藍白小碎花,大方又耐看

• 材質非常絲滑,上身超舒適

• 大V領 + 寬袖 + 綁腰設計 很是顯瘦

• 整體清爽耐看,非常好駕馭

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By using premium materials and expert craftsmanship typically reserved for high-end labels, we bring you unique designs at prices that won't break the bank

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We believe in minimizing waste and making a positive impact on the environment. That's why our new styles are produced in limited quantities and restocked based on your demand.

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